Module FdArray

module FdArray: sig .. end
Constraints over Arrays of Variables

val min : Var.Fd.t array -> Var.Fd.t
val max : Var.Fd.t array -> Var.Fd.t
min vars (resp. max vars) returns a variable constrained to be equal to the variable that will be instantiated to the minimal (resp. maximal) value among all the variables in the array vars. Raises Invalid_argument if vars is empty. Not reifiable.
val min_cstr : Var.Fd.t array -> Var.Fd.t -> Cstr.t
val max_cstr : Var.Fd.t array -> Var.Fd.t -> Cstr.t
min_cstr vars mini (resp. max_cstr vars maxi) returns the constraint fd2e (min vars) =~ fd2e mini (resp. fd2e (max vars) =~ fd2e maxi). Raises Invalid_argument if vars is empty. Not reifiable.
val get : Var.Fd.t array -> Var.Fd.t -> Var.Fd.t
get vars index returns a variable constrained to be equal to vars.(index). Variable index is constrained within the range of the valid indices of the array (0..Array.length vars - 1). Raises Invalid_argument if vars is empty. Not reifiable.
val get_cstr : Var.Fd.t array -> Var.Fd.t -> Var.Fd.t -> Cstr.t
get_cstr vars index v returns the constraint fd2e vars.(index) =~ fd2e v. Variable index is constrained within the range of the valid indices of the array (0..Array.length vars - 1). Raises Invalid_argument if vars is empty. Not reifiable.