Module Arith

module Arith: sig .. end

Arithmetic Expressions and Constraints

This module provides functions and operators to build arithmetic expressions and state (in/dis)equation constraints on them.


type t 
Type of arithmetic expressions over variables of type Var.Fd.t and integers.
val i2e : int -> t
i2e n returns an expression which evaluates to n.
val fd2e : Var.Fd.t -> t
fd2e v returns an expression which evaluates to n if the variable v is instantiated to n.
val e2fd : t -> Var.Fd.t
e2fd e creates and returns a new variable v and posts the constraint fd2e v =~ e.

Construction of Arithmetic Expressions

Only if compiled in bytecode (using facile.cma), the arithmetic operators check whether any integer overflow (i.e. the result of an arithmetic operation on integers is less than min_int or greater than max_int) occurs during constraints internal computations and raise an assert failure. Arithmetic operations are taken modulo otherwise (or on 64-bit processors, see the OCaml reference manual), thus incomplete failures may happen with native code compiled programs.
val (+~) : t -> t -> t
val (-~) : t -> t -> t
val (*~) : t -> t -> t
Addition, substraction, multiplication on expressions.
val (**~) : t -> int -> t
Exponentiation of an expression to an integer value.
val (/~) : t -> t -> t
val (%~) : t -> t -> t
Division and modulo on expressions. The exception Division_by_zero is raised whenever the second argument evaluates to 0.
val abs : t -> t
Absolute value on expressions.
val sum : t array -> t
val sum_fd : Var.Fd.t array -> t
sum exps (resp. sum_fd vars) returns the sum of all the elements of an array of expressions (resp. variables). Returns an expression that evaluates to 0 if the array is empty.
val scalprod : int array -> t array -> t
val scalprod_fd : int array -> Var.Fd.t array -> t
scalprod coeffs exps (resp. scalprod_fd coeffs vars) returns the scalar product of an array of integers and an array of expressions (resp. variables). Returns an expression that evaluates to 0 if both arrays are empty. Raises Invalid_argument if the arrays don't have the same length.
val prod : t array -> t
val prod_fd : Var.Fd.t array -> t
prod exps (resp. prod_fd vars) returns the product of all the elements of an array of expressions (resp. variables). Returns an expression that evaluates to 1 if the array is empty.


val fprint : Pervasives.out_channel -> t -> unit
fprint chan e prints expression e on channel chan.
val eval : t -> int
eval e returns the integer numerical value of a fully instantiated expression e. Raises Invalid_argument if e is not instantiated.
val min_of_expr : t -> int
val max_of_expr : t -> int
min_of_expr e (resp. max_of_expr e) returns the minimal (resp. maximal) possible value of expression e.
val min_max_of_expr : t -> int * int
min_max_of_expr e is equivalent to (min_of_expr e, max_of_expr e).

Arithmetic Constraints on Expressions

FaCiLe processes arithmetic constraints to try to simplify and factorize common subexpressions. Furthermore, auxilliary variables are created to handle non-linear expressions and substituted to the original terms. So printing an arithmetic constraint may produce something quite different from the user's input.
val (<~) : t -> t -> Cstr.t
val (<=~) : t -> t -> Cstr.t
val (=~) : t -> t -> Cstr.t
val (>=~) : t -> t -> Cstr.t
val (>~) : t -> t -> Cstr.t
val (<>~) : t -> t -> Cstr.t
Strictly less, less or equal, equal, greater or equal, strictly greater and different constraints on expressions.
val shift : Var.Fd.t -> int -> Var.Fd.t
shift x d returns a finite domain variable constrained to be equal to x+d.


The following operators are shortcuts to lighten the writing of reified expressions. They replace the corresponding constraint by an expression equal to a boolean variable that is instantiated to 1 when the constraint is satisfied and to 0 if it is violated. See module Reify .
val (<~~) : t -> t -> t
e1 op~~ e2 is equivalent to fd2e (Reify.boolean (e1 op~ e2)).
val (<=~~) : t -> t -> t
val (=~~) : t -> t -> t
val (>=~~) : t -> t -> t
val (>~~) : t -> t -> t
val (<>~~) : t -> t -> t
Reified strictly less, less or equal, equal, greater or equal, strictly greater and different.

Boolean sums setting

FaCiLe tries to automatically optimize the processing of boolean (0-1 variables) sums whenever their sizes are large enough.

val get_boolsum_threshold : unit -> int
Returns the minimum size for boolean sums optimization. (Default: 5)
val set_boolsum_threshold : int -> unit
Set the minimum size for boolean sums optimization. boolsum_threshold max_int disables it.