Module Reify

module Reify: sig .. end
Constraints Reification

All the reification functions and operators only work on reifiable constraints, i.e. constraints endowed with a check function and a not function (or built-in constraints for which the documentation does not mention "Not reifiable"). Otherwise a Failure (fatal error) exception is raised.
val boolean : ?delay_on_negation:bool -> Cstr.t -> Var.Fd.t
boolean ~delay_on_negation:true c returns a boolean (0..1) variable associated to the constraint c. The constraint is satisfied iff the boolean variable is instantiated to 1. Conversely, its negation is satisfied iff it is instantiated to 0. The waking conditions of the contraint relating c and the boolean variable are the ones set by the delay function of c (set by the delay argument of Cstr.create). If the optional argument delay_on_negation is set to true, the new constraint is also attached to the events that awake the negation of c (i.e. the constraint returned by the not function of c), otherwise it is not. delay_on_negation default value is true.
val cstr : ?delay_on_negation:bool -> Cstr.t -> Var.Fd.t -> Cstr.t
cstr ~delay_on_negation:true c b is equivalent to the constraint boolean ?delay_on_negation c =~ b. delay_on_negation default value is true.

val (&&~~) : Cstr.t -> Cstr.t -> Cstr.t
val (||~~) : Cstr.t -> Cstr.t -> Cstr.t
val (=>~~) : Cstr.t -> Cstr.t -> Cstr.t
val (<=>~~) : Cstr.t -> Cstr.t -> Cstr.t
val xor : Cstr.t -> Cstr.t -> Cstr.t
val not : Cstr.t -> Cstr.t
Logical reification operators on constraints, namely and, or, implies, equivalent, exclusive or, not.